Monday, February 2, 2015

Love Letter for Rochester, New York

My mom is a writer,
She writes poetry and love letters.
I was very touched when she told me that she recently wrote a love letter to her dear community of artist friends. It was a goodbye letter, letting them all know how much she has appreciated them and will remember them as she moves onto the next phase of her life, on the other side of the country. 

Tonight, through my mom’s inspiration, I write a love letter of my own, to a community of people that I cherish so deeply in my heart.

Dear Rochester and Rochesterians,
My leaving, over two years ago now, seemed sudden, and yet a long time coming. I didn’t get to say goodbye to many of you and for this, I am sad.

For those of you that know me well, I fought living in Rochester since the day I moved there. I was always looking for a way to leave, it seemed. And yet, day after day, month after month, year after year(16 years), I continued to meet people who inspired me, loved me, taught me, healed me, guided me, befriended me, sang with me, danced with me, played music with me, read poetry with me, walked with me…you name it. When I think of the MANY people I connected with in Rochester---my friends, lovers, teachers, and students---my heart swells in gratitude, appreciation and love for you, for your dearness, and the amazing quality of life I experienced through knowing you. There are so many people I was touched by and became close with, so many brilliant artists and healers, people who generously gave of themselves selflessly. Roch is an amazing place, in a kaleidoscope full of ways. Rochester was for me, a safe haven, a place I felt comfortable and supported enough in to be able to do the healing work I needed to do and it was a place to share insights and compare notes with so many like-minded people. I can’t say I regret leaving Rochester, because I know I had to go, but I certainly do miss the people, my friends that I came to know over many years, who I shared all sorts of experiences with. I am so deeply grateful for your friendship and presence, and thank my lucky stars that I got to be part of such a rich community, full of wonderful souls.

in Love and Gratitude,

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