Friday, May 28, 2010

Music---Incomprehensible Comprehension

In connecting with that which I cannot comprehend the past few weeks, I notice that music is EXTRA SPECIALLY made up of just this---incomprehensible comprehension!

I have been practicing a lot of piano these days, and have discovered that I am more fascinated by the music, and the act of making it, than I have ever been. I now really GET the magic that happens. The process of learning a piece of music is a miniature journey in it of itself, and requires much patience, trust, perseverance, love, and dedication. It requires an open ear, a settled mind, a flexible body, creativity and multiple perspectives. It demands that the musician be completely in the present moment. Music asks us to be our most authentic selves, whether we are playing repertoire already written by someone else, or composing our own music. The music asks us to bring it to life and give it groove. It asks that we give ourselves up totally, yet at the same time, give all of ourselves to it...How is this possible?

In a sense, making music really just mimics the way we live our lives. We learn to take a step, we learn to ride a bike, we learn to love...and in this process, we learn to listen, and to hear the beauty of our melodies. We work on the inner complexities(the phrasing) of ourselves and our relationships. We then put it altogether, and finally---let go, and trust that we know ourselves, and are taken care of. Then, hopefully, we see the beautiful, complete piece of music we are.

Until we meet again,



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