Saturday, May 22, 2010

Recent Developments

For those of you that have been reading my blog, you will notice that the address and format has changed. The initial blog site has been hacked into, so I needed to change hosts. The address of this new blog is and if you would like to subscribe to it, you that it is automatically sent to you. My website, will eventually connect to this new address as may take a few days. Thanks for your patience.

You know,
last night I wrote a really long blog,
it took me hours.
It told the history of my relationship with the piano.
Last night I couldn't publish it though. It didn't seem right, for some reason.

I think I am done rehashing the past...I'm just not sure that it serves me right now, and I don't know how much it would interest you.

What does that leave me with to share with you? Good question.

I can tell you what has been coming up for me as of late...

1. I have been experiencing a profound connection to that which I cannot see, hear, touch, understand, or feel.

2. I have been questioning what it means to love something, anything really, but especially for me, my love of and for the piano.

3.I have been working with trust, and letting go of that which I cannot control.

4. I have been noticing tremendous tendencies to worry and also to project that onto others.

5. I have been accepting others more for who they are, rather than who I would like them to be.

6. And basically, I have just been noticing, for the sake of noticing.

7. Joy, sadness and pain arise spontaneously, and I appreciate that I can feel it.

8. I am noticing that the body needs constant attention and care, just like the homes we live in, and the children and other living things we care for. Any neglect shows up in some form or another. Nurturing of the self, and nurturing of others is very gratifying.

9. I notice the tension that arises when I "try" to figure something out, or know an answer that cannot be known.

10. I suppose that doubting is a part of being human. It arises, just like everything else. It is familiar. No need to take it any further than that.


Until we meet again,



1 comment:

  1. Re: "I have been noticing tremendous tendencies to worry and also to project that onto others." Your increased noticing abilities may make it seem new but it could be just an increased awareness, which is a sign of growth I would say.
